a picture of me looking pensively into the distance

Elisabeth Streffer

Screenwriter creating the stories of tomorrow.

Elisabeth is an Anglo-German writer who is focused on character-driven stories. Her background in psychology steers her towards emotionally intricate and honest storytelling. She's interested in female-driven content with a topical approach. Her time in Scotland sparked her sense of wonder and adventurous intrigue and living in London, Berlin and Hongkong gave her an international outlook on contemporary issues.

Completed and In Progress Work



  1. London Film School
    Master of Arts in Screenwriting 2019-2021
    Validated by the University of Warwick
  2. University of Stirling
    Bachelor of Science in Psychology (1st) 2015-2019
    Accredited by the British Psychological Society


  • Fluent in German and English and has a basic knowledge of French and Spanish.
  • Holds a valid German passport and settled status in the UK. Ability to work full-time in the EU and UK without restrictions.
  • Holds a B class driver’s license.
a picture of me smiling

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